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The term assault weapon was coined to define a class of weapons designed for rapid-fire capabilities and with features enhancing their lethality. Examples are semiautomatic rifles and shotguns that can accept detachable magazines, pistol grips, folding stocks, and flash suppressors.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice[1], the classification of an assault weapon varies by jurisdiction, meaning that owning or using such weapons may have serious legal implications. The term “assault weapon” often carries emotional weight in discussions surrounding gun control, public safety, and mass shootings.

A Brief History of Assault Weapons Legislation

Legislation concerning assault weapons in the United States of America has dramatically changed over the past two decades. President Bill Clinton enacted the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994 [2], outlawing the manufacture and sale of specific semiautomatic rifles and large-capacity ammunition magazines.

This ban was allowed to lapse in 2004, so the same arms began flourishing in the country again. California has been leading the charge in assault weapon regulation, as this state was the very first to enact an assault weapons law in 1989 straight in response to renewed concerns over gun violence and mass shootings.

Early legislation set the precedent for other states by establishing the California precedent of being committed to regulating gun violence through rules [3]. It could continue to evolve on assault weapon laws and become a pioneer in firearm regulations. The trend of more frequent mass casualty events has urged the rest of the nation to tighten control over guns, which is a very timely advance on California’s part.

california assault weapons ban

California Law on Assault Weapons

Under California law, an assault weapon is defined by certain models [4] as well as general characteristics that distinguish it from other firearms. The California Assault Weapons Control Act classifies firearms into three principal groups [5], namely:

  • Category One: Specific Models Listed by Name – For Instance, the Familiar-Looking Firearms Like AK-47 and Colt AR-15.
  • Category Two: Variants of banned models that have slight differences but still share similar features.
  • Category Three: Firearms with military-style features such as detachable magazines, pistol grips, and flash suppressors.

Another way is through California’s restriction on the sale of large-capacity magazines that hold more than ten rounds. This is to limit access to dangerous guns. This legislation is based on public safety because of possible use in a mass shooting or other violent act.

The California Assault Weapons Ban Explained

The California Assault Weapons Ban was enacted in 1989 [6]. However, it has been modified several times since its enactment and reduces gun violence by prohibiting access to firearms that are classified as assault weapons. The major provisions include:

  • Comprehensive list of prohibited firearm models.
  • Prohibition of features that characterize a firearm as an assault weapon.
  • Registration of existing assault weapons.

Recent updates have made laws relating to the modification that may make previously legal firearms become definition assault firearms tighter. Research works reveal that although the California law has not eradicated gun violence, it may have played a role in having fewer incidences of mass shootings than other states without similar laws. For example, research proves that states with stringent gun-control measures often have fewer cases of catastrophic events.

In addition to this, California’s system has been criticized through several judicial means, making it a topic of controversy regarding whether it is effective and constitutional. The policy still faces criticism through the crime rate analyses by various researchers and policymakers.

California Assault Weapons Ban mandates that the owners of rifles who possess California-assigned assault weapons register those weapons with the California Department of Justice during the prescribed times. Failure to comply with this procedure gives rise to punitive actions, which may extend to firearm confiscation.

Legal hurdles over the ban have been high and relentless. Through various court decisions, the constitutionality of California’s bans has been established, yet numerous federal judges, based on their reading of the Second Amendment, have arrived at a verdict that these bans are unconstitutional. A recent landmark ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals [7] reinstated California’s assault weapons ban and underlined the importance of such a ban for ensuring public safety.

One of the basic tensions that appears in current court battles is between gun rights enthusiasts and stricter gun control advocates. While courts continue to appraise the constitutionality of such laws, future decisions would heavily weigh on the regulation of firearms by states in America. Most importantly, the assault weapons ban cases pending before the Supreme Court are especially significant because they may set precedents affecting not only California but the general policies regarding regulation by the rest of the country as well.

The California Assault Weapons Ban is, on its own, one of the most important pieces in the overall strategy of California dealing with gun violence and escalating public safety. Its existence is a testament to the decision to regulate firearms perceived as particularly dangerous, and hence, it continues to receive constant legal scrutiny. Those people in need of guidance on compliance with this legislation or, on the other hand, those who face legal challenges on assault weapons are advised to consult the services of competent defense attorneys practicing firearm law.

Individuals seeking legal advice or guidance regarding compliance with the California Assault Weapons Ban or other related matters may wish to consult experienced attorneys who are knowledgeable regarding the federal and state laws dealing with firearms in California. Our attorneys at Manshoory Law can shed light on this area of law and provide the defense you need for your case.


    1. Koper, C. S., Woods, D. J., & Roth, J. A. (2004). An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003. Report for the National Institute of Justice, United States Department of Justice. NCJ 204431.
    2. Keneally, M. (2019, September 13). Understanding the 1994 assault weapons ban and why it ended. ABC News.
    3. Manshoory, S. (2021, May 28). Why are California Gun Laws So Strict. Manshoory Law Group, APC.
    4. Assault weapon characteristics. (2024, July 22). State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General.
    5. Assault Weapons Laws (California and federal law). (2022, September 21). State of California – Department of Justice – Office of the Attorney General.
    6. California Department of Justice. (2001). Assault Weapons Identification Guide: As Listed or Described in Penal Code Sections 12276, 12276.1, and 12276.5 (3rd ed.). Office of the Attorney General. Retrieved from
    7. 9th Circuit reinstates California ban on guns in public places. (n.d.). California Courts Newsroom.