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Every day living in the world of coronavirus, the things that are happening are almost unreal. All aspects of life are affected, including crime. As millions are self-quarantining, ordered to stay home, and advised to practice social distancing, America’s largest cities are seeing a drop in the crime rate.

As stores and restaurants close down, public spaces are no longer crowded, and public transportation is being used less, there are fewer people out and about, vulnerable to crime. Three of the largest, most populated cities, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago report that since the pandemic changed how we operate in society, they have seen a drop in crime.

According to Dermot F Shea, New York City’s police commissioner, most crime has lessened. Burglary and assault crimes have decreased in the city by 25%. Sex crimes were also on the decline by nearly 50%.

Crime Rates During COVID

In Los Angeles, there was also a drop in crime by 5.6% from where the crime rate was the previous year. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti told CNN that what is happening in LA is that crime is going down while peoples’ generosity is increasing.

Police captain Jiff Rinaldo echoed the same trend in Buffalo, New York. As businesses closed down the crime also followed with decreased occurrences. Rinaldo explains that one reason is that much crime takes place around commerce. In the absence of commerce, crime naturally falls. Daily arrests have dropped from a normal 20 each day to 2 per day under the new coronavirus circumstances.

In Chicago, it was the same story. There were 201 arrests made on Friday a couple of weeks before everything started to shut down. The following Friday there were only 60 arrests. According to Charlie Beck, the Interim Chicago Police Superintendent, the arrest numbers are at a historic low.

In 2017, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) reported that there was a rise in violent crime by 1.5%. However, the statewide rate is fairly low when compared to the crime rates of the late 1960s. In 2017, though, the property crime rate decreased by 2.1% from 2016.

The state is not homogeneous, every region has its own unique crime rates. The South Coast, for instance including Imperial, Orange, San Diego, and Ventura Counties had the lowest violent crime and the lowest property crime in 2017. San Joaquin Valley had the highest violent crime rate that year.

crime rates during pandemic

There were many counties, approximately 33 out of 58 had an increase in violent crime in 2017. In 19 of those counties, the rise in violent crime was extreme at over 10%.

In 26 of the 58 counties property crime decreased in 2017. In nine communities including Kern, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara, there were significant decreases in the property crime rate by over 10%.

Where Can You Find A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Los Angeles?

The aggressive Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys at the Manshoory Law Group, APC are here for you when you have been arrested. It is best you do not speak with the police before you consult with an experienced California criminal defense attorney from the Manshoory Law Group, APC. Our team will build a solid defense strategy for you.

Call the Manshoory Law Group, APC at 877-977-7750 to discuss your situation with one of our resourceful Southern California violent crime defense attorneys today.