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What are Fine and Restitution?

Being arrested in California is not only unfortunate and puts you at a disadvantage when you have a criminal record or have to spend time in jail, but it can also be expensive. Oftentimes, people do not realize the financial burden that comes with a California arrest and conviction. Depending on the nature of the crime you were convicted of, you may have to pay either a fine or be ordered to pay restitution. In some cases, your punishment may include having to pay both.

The best possible outcome after an arrest is to have your charges dropped and your case was thrown out. To accomplish this goal you will need the very best and most competent legal counsel. The Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys at the Manshoory Law Group have the background, the skill, and the know-how to examine your case and put together a winning strategy that protects your rights and yields the desired results.

California Fines and Restitution Different

What is the Difference Between Fines and Restitution in California?

Both fines and restitution are essentially bills you have to pay. Who you pay them to and why you are paying them to define the difference between the two. Fines that you were ordered to pay will go to the state or federal government. Whichever of these two government entities was prosecuting your case is who will gain the proceeds from your fine.

Restitution, on the other hand, is paid to the victim of the crime that you were convicted of. The money you pay to victims is to help victims recoup the financial losses they suffered as a result of your actions. Sometimes, you don’t pay restitution to a particular victim but instead, pay to a crime fund for victims.

First-time offenders tend to be ordered to pay some amount of money in the form of a fine. People who have committed minor crimes that were non-violent can also be ordered to pay a fine in California. For more serious crimes, restitution can come into play.

For example, if you were convicted of a California battery charge and your victim had to seek medical treatment and psychological counseling to overcome the incident and heal, the money you pay will reimburse the victim for the cost of medical care they received. Medical treatment is very expensive and so the amount of restitution that you may have to pay could be quite costly.

Your ability to pay restitution will be considered by the court when calculating the amount that they hand down to you. It is imperative that you pay your fines and restitution because if you do not, you may be sent to jail. In addition, the government can take significant actions against you like garnishing your wages, seizing your property, and selling it off, and they can even put a lien on any property you own.

Speak to a Los Angeles Criminal Attorney Today

When the Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers at the Manshoory Law Group review your case, if fines and restitution apply, then there is the possibility that either or both could be lessened or even waived.

Talk to an attorney in Los Angeles at the Manshoory Law Group today during a free initial case evaluation by calling (877) 977-7750.

Shaheen Manshoory
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