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New Law Helps Juvenile Offenders Escape Lifetime Consequences

New Law Helps Juvenile Offenders Escape Lifetime Consequences

Making mistakes is part of being young, as trying and failing is the only way to learn. However, when youthful mistakes involve criminal charges, the consequences may last for a lifetime. Whenever criminal charges are on the line, working with an experienced criminal defense attorney that will take the time to investigate and build a strong defense to combat these allegations is crucial.

Juvenile convictions can be especially hard on both the defendant and his/her family as they are often forced to foot the bill for many of the punishments imposed by the court. Lawmakers recognized the unfair burden this system placed on many families, and passed a number of bills as part of a general criminal system reform package, recently signed into law by the governor, that will relax punishments and fines for juvenile offenses.

A brief overview of some of the new changes that will directly impact how juveniles are treated in the criminal system will follow below.

How to “Seal Juvenile Records” in California?

One of the harsher realities of juvenile offenses is having that mark on one’s criminal record for a lifetime. Under the new law, the situations when a juvenile’s record must be sealed now include:

  • when a petition is dismissed, though prosecutors have six months to request access to the records for the purpose of re-filing the petition based upon new circumstances; and
  • when a juvenile successfully completes a diversion or supervision program. If the probation office refuses to seal the record based upon claims the juvenile did not stay in compliance with the program’s requirements, he/she can petition to seal the record by proving successful completion did occur.

In addition, a companion law will permit courts to seal records of juveniles adjudicated for serious and violent offenses after the age of 14 if the charges were later reduced to a misdemeanor.

What is a Youth Offender Parole Process?

Defendants sentenced to life in prison or for a substantial number of years before the age of 23 are subject to a different parole process due to the young age when they were incarcerated. Under the new law, the youth offender parole process is extended to individuals 25 years or younger and sets dates by which these hearings would need to occur for the new group of individuals now eligible for this program.

California Expungement Fees and Costs

When a minor is deemed to be a ward of the state due to criminal activity, the family is expected to cover many of the costs associated with monitoring and housing their children.

Under the new law, families would no longer be responsible for the following expenses:

  • application and administrative fees for enrollment in a home detention program, routinely offered in lieu of jail time;
  • drug testing for those under 21; and
  • costs for transportation to a juvenile facility or institution and for housing, food, and care.

Consultation With an Attorney

Police have the authority to take minors into custody if they suspect they were involved in criminal activity, and while law enforcement is required to advise a minor of his/her rights prior to questioning, there are often significant concerns around a minor’s ability to understand the importance of these rights or how to assert them.

A new law seeks to address the problem by requiring juveniles 15 years old and younger to consult with an attorney before they may be questioned or waive any right. The consultation cannot be waived, and failure to provide an opportunity to communicate with an attorney would impact admissibility in a criminal proceeding of any statement made.

Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney

Protecting your rights in the face of criminal charges is the number one priority of people accused of a crime, but this protection is even more important when the person accused is a child. The long-term implications are very serious, and an experienced criminal defense attorney is critical to limiting or eliminating the possible effects of a conviction.

The Manshoory Law Group, APC represents clients in the Los Angeles area, including juvenile offenses, and knows how to create a tailored approach to get you the best possible result.

Attorneys are available 24/7 to take your call. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How to Beat Possession of Stolen Property Charge in California

How to Beat Possession of Stolen Property Charge in California

Possession of Stolen Property

While there are signs the economy in the U.S. is continuing to slowly improve from the fallout of the 2008 recession, there are still a lot of people struggling to find decent and steady work. Unfortunately, the need to buy items does not go away. Therefore, it may not be feasible to make purchases from a department store, and people may instead turn to online bulletin boards and/or neighbors to find items they need.

The risk of buying things from non-traditional sources is that the items may be stolen, leaving the purchaser facing charges for possession of stolen items if discovered by police. Anyone facing criminal charges for any offense needs to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent them in court and in dealings with the prosecutor. This is especially true with stolen property-related charges because there are a number of defenses the accused can present to win an acquittal.

A man in the San Bernardino area was recently arrested for possession of the stolen property when police discovered him with a collection of tools previously reported missing after a burglary several weeks earlier. Given how easily and unintentionally a person could come into possession of stolen items, understanding what qualifies as a crime in California and the possible defenses to such charges is useful information to have, and will be discussed below.

Possession of Stolen Property

What are the Penalties for Possession of the Stolen Property in California

The technical name of this offense is “receiving stolen property”, and the prosecutor must prove three important elements in order to find a person guilty:

  1. First, the individual must buy, conceal, sell, withhold or receive property (or actively aid someone to keep the property from the owner) that was unlawfully taken as part of a theft or extortion offense.
  2. Second, the person must know that the property was in fact stolen.
  3. Third, the person knew the property was in his/her possession.

If the property is valued at $950 or more, the offense is charged as a felony, and is punishable by up to three years in county jail and/or $10,000 in fines. Items worth less than $950 typically result in a misdemeanor charge, which brings a possible sentence of up to one year in county jail.

However, a misdemeanor can be elevated to a felony depending on the criminal history of the accused and the circumstances of the alleged offense.

Penalties for Possession of the Stolen Property in California

How to Beat Possession of Stolen Property Charge

There are three main defenses a criminal defense attorney can present to combat possession of stolen property charges.

  • The first is the accused either unknowingly or lacked actual knowledge that the item was stolen. The crime requires the offender to know the merchandise was stolen, so the absence of this information would allow the defense attorney to argue the accused is not guilty. Further, if there were no indications on an item that would indicate it was stolen, such as scratched-out serial numbers, there is an argument a reasonable person would have no reason to suspect a theft was involved.
  • The second defense involved innocent intent. If the accused planned to return the property to the rightful owner or surrender it to law enforcement when it was received, the charges would be dismissed if a judge or jury believed this argument. Note that if the accused initially planned to return the property when it was received, but later decided to keep or sell it, this defense is not applicable.
  • Finally, in order to be guilty of this crime, the person must actually have possession of the stolen item. Possession requires the accused to know about the existence of the property and to take steps to bring it into his/her care. Thus, if someone placed the stolen property in the car or home of another without their knowledge, there is no possession, and thus, no crime.

It Is Time to Start Fighting Back

If you have been accused of any crime, the best thing you can do to protect your rights is to contact and hire a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Manshoory Law Group, APC represents clients throughout the Los Angeles area in criminal law cases and will fight to obtain the best possible result in your case. Attorneys are available 24/7, so contact us today for a free consultation.

Is Failing to Report a Crime Itself Illegal?

Is Failing to Report a Crime Itself Illegal?

Contacting the police, even under the best of circumstances, can be a stressful experience, and if a person has negative associations with law enforcement, a greater reluctance to reach out may exist. Minorities may especially have reason to hold back on contacting law enforcement given the greater scrutiny they receive from police, and the fact they represent the majority of those incarcerated.

Having a criminal defense attorney present during interactions with police could alleviate some of the concern, but that option is not always practical. Consequently, even when it might seem rational to call for police assistance, fears that officers will assume the caller is involved with a crime can cause a person to do nothing.

A recent news story reported across the country about a group of teenagers who watched a man drown without intervening or calling for help raises the question of when a person is required to act. If, for instance, a crime is being committed, is a bystander or witness required to call law enforcement, and if he/she does not, is this failure to act a crime on its own?

A discussion of whether it is a crime to not report criminal activity, and what is considered aiding in the commission of a crime in California, will follow below.

failure to report crime

Is it Illegal to Not Report a Crime?

In order to protect children from violence, California imposes a limited duty to report acts of murder or rape against a minor aged 14 years or younger to law enforcement officials. Failure to report such a crime is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in county jail, a fine of up to $1,500, or both.

However, this duty does not apply to:

  • a person related to the victim, including parents, siblings, child or spouse;
  • situations where the failure to report was due to a mistake of fact, i.e., did not realize he/she was witnessing a crime; and
  • circumstances in which the failure to report was due to reasonable fears for one’s own safety or family’s safety.

Additionally, notifications or attempts to notify via telephone are enough to satisfy the requirement. So, even if the attempt failed, that is enough to meet the requirements of the law and can be used as a defense if charged with failing to report.

What do Aiding and Abetting Mean in Legal Terms?

To be charged with aiding and abetting a crime, a person has to do more than just witness a criminal act. He/she must be involved in facilitating, encouraging, or committing the crime. A person accused of such acts faces the same penalties as the individual prosecutors believe performed the crime, but it is not an offense in and of itself.

Rather, the law gives prosecutors the right to charge anyone they believe was involved with a crime, but did not participate in the commission of the crime itself. Common examples of aiding and abetting include harboring someone suspected of a crime or serving as a lookout or getaway driver. Just knowing about or being present during a crime is not enough. There must be some evidence of voluntary involvement.

Is it Illegal to Not Report a Crime?

Specifically, a prosecutor must show the defendant:

  • knew about the illegal plan;
  • intentionally encouraged or facilitated the plan; and
  • aided, promoted or instigated the crime.

Examples of common defenses to this charge include:

  • the defendant did not encourage, aid, or facilitate the crime;
  • the defendant was falsely accused;
  • the defendant withdrew from the crime; or
  • the defendant knew about the crime or was present at the scene, but did not have a duty to prevent or report it.

Contact Manshoory Law Today If You Are Arrested For Failing To Report A Crime

Being accused of a crime is one of the worst situations you can face, and to give yourself the best chance of having the charges dismissed or reduced, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side.

Los Angeles’ Manshoory Law Group, APC understands how overwhelming this situation is, and handles criminal defense for both minor and serious crimes. Attorneys are available 24/7 to take your call, and advise you on your options. Contact us for a free consultation.

How to Seal and Destroy Juvenile and Adult Arrest Records

How to Seal and Destroy Juvenile and Adult Arrest Records

What Does it Mean to Seal and Destroy Arrest Records?

No one is immune from making a mistake, and this is especially true when a person is young and trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in the world. Many people probably assume that if they entered the juvenile system as a minor, these records would be sealed and/or destroyed upon becoming an adult.

Similarly, when someone is wrongly arrested for a crime that never leads to a prosecution or conviction, it seems logical to assume these records would not be kept, but in both instances, these beliefs are wrong. In order to seal and destroy any record, a petition must be filed in court, and a judge decides whether to grant or deny the request.

Getting this information off a person’s record is critical to securing employment and avoiding discrimination from lenders, landlords, and state agencies. This process is not necessarily easy but is worth the effort so that a person can truthfully answer he/she has no arrest or criminal record when asked.

An overview of who is eligible to request records be sealed and destroyed, and a description of the process, will follow below.

Seal and Destroy Arrest Records

How to Seal and Destroy a Juvenile Arrest Record?

First, it should be noted that juvenile records include far more than police reports generated during an arrest. In fact, they can include any document created in connection with any criminal activity a person engaged in as a minor. Consequently, juvenile records can consist of arrest reports, court findings and orders, exhibits used at hearings, and probation reports.

Once a court seals these records, it is as if they never existed. However, they can be temporarily reopened for the purposes of defamation lawsuits and for the DMV to allow auto insurance adjustors to inspect records to evaluate insurance eligibility and risk.

In order to be eligible to petition for the sealing of juvenile records, the following must be true:

  • the person is at least 18 or the jurisdiction of the juvenile court expired five or more years ago, whichever occurs first;
  • the person has no conviction as an adult for a crime involving “moral turpitude,” which refers to offenses based on dishonest or immoral behavior. Examples include theft, fraud, and some sex offenses;
  • the court believes the person is rehabilitated; and
  • there is no pending civil litigation connected to the juvenile incidents.

Once the petition is filed, the court will set a hearing date where a judge will decide whether to grant the request or deny it. If the petition is granted, the court will notify any agencies holding records or with access to records to seal them.

How to Seal and Destroy Adult Arrest Records?

The ability to request sealing and destroying adult arrest records hinges on whether the petitioner was convicted of a crime. Thus, to be eligible for this relief, the case must involve one of the following circumstances:

  • an arrest, but no charges are filed;
  • a dismissal of the case; or
  • an acquittal by a jury.

In addition, these petitions are generally allowed up to two years after the date of arrest or the filing of charges, whichever occurs later. Note that these petitions only apply to a particular arrest and not a person’s entire criminal record.

 seal arrest record in california

The process to contest and seal an adult arrest can be a two-step process that depends on the circumstances of the case.

  • If a person was arrested but no charges were filed, he/she must first petition the arresting law enforcement agency.
  • If the police are convinced the person is factually innocent, they will seal the record for three years, and then destroy it.
  • If the police deny the request or fail to respond within 60 days, the person moves on to step two.

The second step requires filing a petition with the court, and if the judge believes the person is factually innocent, the petition will be granted. Note that this is the only step open to those with cases where the charges were dismissed or a jury acquitted them.

Factual innocence means the evidence exonerates the person, not just introduces doubt about guilt.

Get Help

If you have records that you want to seal and destroy, talk to an attorney familiar with the criminal law system, those at the Manshoory Law Group, APC in Los Angeles.

This law firm can help you get the fresh start you need and deserve. Contact us for a free initial consultation.

How Much Does a DUI Cost in California?

How Much Does a DUI Cost in California?

How Much Does the Average DUI Cost?

Being pulled over by police and detained for suspicion of DUI is a stressful and disturbing situation. Often, police will shine bright lights in drivers’ faces seeking to disorient them, making it harder for the driver to think and formulate a reasoned response to questioning.

Further, the agility and attention tests officers administer to assess for signs of impairment can be difficult for anyone to pass, intoxicated or sober, and studies have shown them to be unreliable. But, the real concern most people have when facing DUI charges focuses on repercussions: what will this cost me and what other possible penalties will I face?

When assessing the long- and short-term costs and consequences of a DUI charge, it is important to consider some less obvious sources of additional expenses and legal matters that can complicate what seems like a straightforward process. Understanding the full spectrum of possible penalties this charge brings can help individuals accused of this offense make more informed choices about how to respond to these charges.

How Much Does a DUI Cost in California?

How Much is a First-Time DUI in California?

Even for first-time offenders, California imposes fairly tough penalties on those who plead or are found guilty by a jury or bench trial. Judges can sentence offenders to up to six months in the county jail and three to five years of summary or informal probation.

While most people envision probation as a supervised process involving regular meetings with a probation officer, summary probation does not require such meetings or check-ins with the probation department, as it is used for those not considered a danger to the community.

However, courts often mandate progress meetings to ensure the sentence conditions set by the judge are being followed. Note that receiving summary probation does not mean the judge cannot also sentence the offender to jail time.

Fines can range from $390 to $1,000, and with separate automatic assessments enforced by each jurisdiction, that number typically climbs to $1,500 to $2,000 by the time a sentence is completed. In addition, completion of a three- or nine-month drug treatment program may be assigned. The length of program depends on the blood alcohol measurement taken at the time of the arrest.

These programs are not free, and the fees range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the duration. Of all the penalties given for DUI offenses, the one with the most far-reaching consequences is the automatic suspension of the individual’s driver’s license for six months.

This suspension is disruptive for both the person facing the DUI charge and his/her family. While it is possible to petition for a restricted license, which permits driving to and from work and to DUI school that goes into effect after 30 days, there is another option.

The automatic suspension can be postponed by making a request to the DMV for an administrative hearing. At the hearing, it is possible to avoid the license suspension completely, which is where representation by an experienced criminal defense attorney is key. If an attorney represents a DUI client at the DMV hearing, it is much more likely the license suspension could be set aside.

How Much Does a DUI Cost

How Much Does a DUI Cost for Ignition Interlock Devices?

It is important to note that a license suspension is automatically increased to one year if the accused refuses to take a chemical test when stopped by police on suspicion of DUI. Individuals charged with DUI could also face the installation of an interlock device that functions similar to a breathalyzer and requires the driver to blow into it before the car will start.

If alcohol is detected by the device, the ignition remains locked. These devices are part of the standard sentence imposed on offenders in Los Angeles County, and also may be required if the driver has a blood-alcohol level above 0.15%, previous moving violations, or the chemical test was refused.

There is a charge to rent these devices, so that is another cost that should be factored into the overall consequence of a DUI conviction.

When Do You Need a Lawyer for a DUI/DWI Charge?

Given the wide range of penalties a judge can sentence a defendant, it is important to secure representation from a criminal defense attorney as soon after an arrest for DUI as possible.

The earlier in the process a Los Angeles DUI lawyer is brought in to defend you, the better the chance they have of securing the best evidence and mounting the most effective defense. The Los Angeles Manshoory Law Group, APC understands the serious effects of a DUI conviction and will fight to get you the best possible results.

Contact us for a free consultation.