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How to Get a Job With a Criminal Record in California

How to Get a Job With a Criminal Record in California

How to Get a Job With a Criminal Record

It can be tricky to find employment in California, yet this process is made profoundly more difficult for people that have a criminal record. As it turns out, there are a lot of employers out there who actively avoid hiring people who have a criminal record, however, this is not entirely legal, as we will highlight later on in this article.

Employers are supposed to make individual decisions based on each candidate’s merits, and whether or not they would be a good fit for the role based on their skills and relevant experience. The matter of race, gender, and criminal history should not come into it.

On top of this, it’s estimated that 1 in 3 Californians have a criminal record of some kind, which is a huge percentage of the hiring pool to discriminate against. In this article, we will take a look at the process of getting a job with a criminal record in California, and what does and does not show up during pre-employment checks. Let’s get into it.

How to Get a Job With a Criminal Record

What Shows Up in a Police Check

If you’re wondering how to get a job with a criminal record, you will probably want to know what comes up in a criminal background check. Well, a pre-employment check usually includes looking into the applicant’s criminal history, the information they provided regarding their education and previous employment, as well as any professional licenses they hold.

The criminal background check will reveal any felony and misdemeanor convictions, pending criminal cases, or any other history of incarceration, although, this is only for convictions that occurred as an adult. Juvenile convictions do not usually appear on standard pre-employment checks. Depending on the role that you are applying for, there may be some criminal background affect on credit score, especially if you’re applying for a role in finance.

It’s important to note that the disclosure of convictions more than seven years old is forbidden in California.

What Your Employer is Legally Allowed to Consider

California introduced it “ban the box” legislation back in January 2018. This clearly stipulates that employers are prohibited from inquiring, or discussing an applicant’s previous criminal history before they have made a formal conditional offer of employment.

Furthermore, even after the employer has made a conditional offer of employment, they are still not allowed to deny employment based on their previous conviction, as long as it has been spent.

However, the employer is legally allowed to consider the nature of the convictions, the requirements of the job, and the time that has passed since the conviction itself. If the nature of the conviction is in no way related to the job, does not impact the job requirements, and enough time has passed since the employer is not permitted to consider the conviction in the employment decision process.

 Get a Job With a Criminal Record in California

Can You Get a Job With a Criminal Record?

If you’re wondering how to get a job with a criminal record, a criminal history should not deter you from going after the job of your dreams. It’s perfectly possible to attain gainful and respected jobs for felons and jobs for people with records.

The Society for Human Resource Management recently found that over 80% of hiring managers believe that workers with a criminal background bring just as much, or sometimes even more value than workers without records.

As of July 1, 2020, California has enacted a major licensing reform that will make it much easier to get a job with a criminal record as it allows people with records to obtain professional licenses from 37 licensing agencies. This increases the number of jobs for people with criminal records. This even makes it entirely possible for someone with a criminal background to gain employment as a criminal defense attorney.

Are There Any Jobs That Do Not Require a Background Check in California

Luckily, there are jobs for felons, and jobs for people with a criminal record out there. However, it’s worth noting that criminal record searches are used by around 83% of employers that conduct pre-employment screening. The only way to know if a job will entail a background check is to ask the employer upfront.

You can also check websites such as to see if you can get an idea into the application process and reach out to current employees.

With that being said, getting a job with a criminal record is typically easier than most people expect, as long as they are open and honest about the history and disclose all relevant information to the employer.

COVID-19: Rise of Domestic Violence During the Pandemic

COVID-19: Rise of Domestic Violence During the Pandemic

As the novel coronavirus disease runs rampant, governments around the globe have imposed different levels of lockdowns, to try and curb the spread of the virus.

The ‘stay at home’ instructions are issued to try and keep people safe, but home can be a pretty dangerous place for certain people, particularly for victims of domestic violence during the quarantine.

How Pandemic Can Exacerbate The Risks Of Domestic Violence

Extensive data, involving multiple regions, indicates a sharp rise in domestic violence during the quarantine, showing a direct link between increasing domestic violence and COVID-19. This is particularly true of populations that have been marginalized.

North Africa and the Middle East, for example, have the weakest laws in terms of protection against domestic violence. An analysis performed by UN Women assessed the gender-related impacts of COVID-19 across Palestine and found that the impacts of the disease were likely to be more severe on females, worsening pre-existing gender vulnerabilities, increasing domestic violence during the coronavirus, and exacerbating inequalities.

Moreover, Latin American countries such as Brazil and Mexico have observed a sharp rise in hotline calls, over the past couple of months.

Even though formal complaints in countries like Bolivia and Chile seem to have dropped, it is likely due to the stringent restrictions on mobility, coupled with the hesitance that domestic violence victims often feel in seeking out assistance via official means.

In the USA, people the number of calls to domestic abuse hotline services has skyrocketed, with some domestic abuse websites seeing an increase in traffic of over 300%. This goes to show the significant domestic violence increase during COVID 19.

The truth is, a lot of people have become more volatile after spending time locked down in their own homes in close quarters to their family members. Where school and employment may have once provided a necessary respite for domestic violence sufferers, this has now evaporated.

On top of this, increased tensions in households and the high levels of societal stress are very likely to cause outbursts which could lead to episodes of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence During the Pandemic

What Can Be Done To Address Domestic Violence During Coronavirus

Understanding the importance of addressing domestic violence during the coronavirus, several countries have taken a number of measures to try and mitigate the issue:

  • Funding for Support Services

France has dedicated a million Euros to providing support services to victims of domestic violence. Additionally, the Italian and French governments have proposed that the European Union include steps to mitigate domestic violence during COVID-19, as part of an emergency support package provided to all member countries.

  • Awareness Campaigns

These campaigns are intended to provide guidance to domestic violence victims and aware them regarding the available support and options. Portugal, for instance, has distributed informative flyers across the country, and run social media campaigns through multiple channels.

  • Frontline Workers’ Training

People employed in essential services, such as supermarkets or pharmacies, have learned how to help domestic violence victims seeking assistance. Across Greece and Spain, ‘Mask-19’ has been adopted as a codeword for domestic violence during coronavirus.

domestic violence during pandemic

What To Do When Falsely Accused Of Domestic Violence During The Lockdown

It is true that the lockdown has led to a sharp spike in the number of domestic violence cases. However, certain women (and men) will try to manipulate the situation to falsely accuse their partner of domestic abuse.

A false accusation of domestic violence might come as a shock to you, but swift action is crucial to ensure the elimination of the accusation, as well as mitigation of any associated consequences.

As the wrongly accused party, it is crucial to hire a lawyer before you do anything else. Proving innocence in a domestic abuse case can be tricky and tough, and the earlier the lawyer starts developing a defense, the higher the probability of success.

Building up a sturdy defense could include bringing in an expert witness into the scene who could explain certain bits of incriminating evidence, or prove that the bruises or other damages were not the results of violence inflicted by the accused party.

The victim’s medical evidence is also important, as it would allow the legal team to dispute the location or timing of the evident damage. In order to have a real shot at victory, the lawyer needs to attack the case from multiple angles.

Make sure you contact top criminal defense attorneys in Los Angeles right away if you are falsely accused of domestic violence.

The second step would be to reduce the damage that the charges and the possible court case might inflict. Character witnesses come into play here, as they can vouch for the accused’s character.

They can also help establish how the alleged party could not have caused the violence he/she is being accused of, due to a variety of reasons.

All the defense needs to do is plant reasonable doubt within the judge/jury’s mind(s), and a domestic violence attorney can help you do that.

This article highlights the link between the lockdowns and an increase in domestic violence during coronavirus, possible steps that could be taken to reduce domestic violence under the circumstances, and how to proceed in case you have been incorrectly charged with domestic abuse.

California’s Zero Bail Causes Controversy

California’s Zero Bail Causes Controversy

What is the Zero Bail Law in California?

A lot has changed since the country has been shut down and has been dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. In California, the courts acknowledged that individuals who are sentenced to prison or jail are at-high risk of being exposed to and then infected with the virus.

To minimize the number of people in the jail system who could get the virus and potentially die from it, a statewide rule was issued lowering the cost of California bail and even assigning no costly bail to those arrested for misdemeanor and low-level felonies. This effort is intended to keep people with lesser crimes safe from exposure by not having them sit in prison while they await their court date.

Some say that prosecutors are not complying with the bill or working around it which has led to many who were eligible for release, still waiting in jail. Those who are convicted of violent and serious felonies such as murder or assault with a deadly weapon and those charged with sexual assault crimes do not qualify for Zero Bail provisions.

Additionally, the following crimes will also not benefit from Zero Bail:

  • Resisting an executive officer
  • Protective or stay away order violation
  • Domestic violence
  • Restraining order violations for violent threats or harm against the protected party
  • Stalking
  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving under the influence and causing injury
  • Any offense requiring registering under Sexual Assault Type Offenses – 290(c)
  • Felon in possession of a firearm

zero bail california

What Is The Controversy Over Zero Bail?

Those that are proponents of Zero Bail believe that the intent of the rule is to protect the population from COVID-19, even those who have been arrested. However, there are cases where prosecutors are engaging in tricky tactics to either completely ignore the rule and simply not comply or are upping the charges to higher crimes that don’t qualify for Zero Bail.

For example, those who are arrested for minor stealing are seeing several California district attorneys elevating the charges to felony looting. Felony looting excludes the individual to obtain Zero Bail. Individuals that should be eligible for Zero Bail are not being fairly represented and even charged with much higher bail than necessary.

The opposition argues that arresting defendants who know they won’t go to jail, just go back out on the streets and continue to commit more crimes. Officers are continually in a cycle of arresting individuals and then after they are released, having to arrest them multiple times because they are not detained.

This is not only discouraging for law enforcement but also puts the public at an increased risk of being victimized. It also causes those who have already been victimized to feel like they have been forgotten by the police.

Where Can You Find A Criminal Defense Lawyer In Los Angeles?

If you have been convicted of a low-level crime and need legal representation that will fight to protect your rights, the aggressive and experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys at the Manshoory Law Group, APC will help you see the most favorable outcome.

The California criminal defense attorneys at the Manshoory Law Group, APC have extensive experience helping our clients lower their charges or eliminate them.

Call the Manshoory Law Group, APC anytime day or night at 877-977-7750 to discuss your situation with one of our resourceful Southern California criminal defense attorneys.

Can You Get Deported For a DUI?

Can You Get Deported For a DUI?

Will a DUI Affect My Immigration Status?

The rules for legal immigration to the United States are strict. Because the United States has an abundance of law-abiding people waiting for approval to legally immigrate and they don’t want to import individuals who will cause problems, breaking the law has consequences.

While it would certainly be better to understand the DUI and immigration consequences before you decide to drink and drive, compounding the mistake by not seeking legal assistance isn’t wise. Understanding a DUI and immigration status implications of being charged is important to consider right away. Your defenses may dwindle if you delay.

If you are planning to apply for citizenship, you must provide details about your entire criminal history, including charges that are dropped or dismissed. Failure to disclose the full and complete information on your N-400 application can lead to dismissal or outright rejection of your application. So, being arrested for a DUI can affect your immigration status.

The N-400 application asks, “Have you EVER been arrested, detained, or cited by the police or any other law enforcement officer?” If the answer is yes, you will be required to bring documentation of the disposition of every instance to your interview for all arrests and detentions, even if the records were expunged or a plea bargain reduced the charges. The copies must be original certified copies to avoid delays.

Crimes of moral turpitude are significant when it comes to immigration matters. Recklessness has been deemed a “culpable mental state if it entails a conscious disregard of a substantial and unjustifiable risk posed by one’s conduct.” (26 I&N Dec. 464 (BIA 2015) Choosing to drive while the ability to drive is impaired by alcohol has been deemed reckless behavior in more than one case.

Can You Get Deported For a DUI

Can a DUI Effect on Green Card?

If you were planning to apply for naturalization, you’ll want to wait for five years after being charged with a DUI. Although your criminal history over the past five years is the primary consideration when you apply for naturalization, your entire criminal history must be disclosed.

If your green card renewal period is within the next few years, you should consult an immigration attorney for advice.

Also, if your DUI involves serious bodily injuries that result in your being sentenced to more than six months in jail or prison, the DUI effect on green card can be serious.

If this is not your first DUI, or you have other charges associated with the DUI or even unrelated charges, removal proceedings may begin as the result of the DUI.

Being charged with an “Under 21 DUI” has more serious DUI and immigration consequences than a DUI at older ages since California has a “Zero Tolerance” law for underage drinking. Because consuming alcohol when you are underage is illegal, your driving does not have to be impaired for you to be charged. Testing positive for any alcohol in your system is sufficient to be charged with an underage DUI.

dui green card

Can You Get Deported for a DUI?

If you have a green card, driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can you get deported for a DUI if you panic and flee the scene of an accident where you caused serious bodily injury or death. If you aren’t involved in an accident associated with your DUI, the DUI effect on your green card will be non-existent unless you’re a habitual drunkard.

If you are not a permanent resident, the law can get you deported for a DUI not involving a felony conviction, or result in re-entry being denied, or refusal to renew a visa.

A conviction under Section 101(a)(48) of the Immigration and Nationality Act defines a “conviction” broadly. It is important to have experienced help. DUI and immigration consequences are complex topics that require knowledge of someone with experience in these matters.

Your plea and the charges you’re convicted of can affect your visa or lead to you being deported. Hiring a Los Angeles DUI attorney to assist you with the charges is important to the outcome of your case.

The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

Definitions of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking can involve forced labor and involuntary servitude without sexual exploitation; however, this article focuses on aspects of technology and human trafficking that involve sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation involves sex trafficking by force, fraud, deception, the force of threats, abduction, abuse of power, or coercion that involves a commercial sex act.

18 U.S.C. § 1591 calls for a life sentence for sexual exploitation crimes involving minors under age 14; 40 years for crimes involving minors over 14 and under 18 years old. Sexual exploitation of adults is charged under 18 U.S.C. § 1589 with punishment beginning at 20 years and increasing up to life sentences if death occurs, kidnapping is involved, or aggravated sexual abuse is attempted or occurs.

Sexual exploitation typically involves forced prostitution, pornography, or stripping. It is important to note that human trafficking does not require transporting someone across the county, state, or international borders.

technology and human trafficking

What is Online Human Trafficking?

Just like honest businesses, human traffickers find online recruitment and marketing efforts more efficient than other methods of finding victims and customers.

Human trafficking online begins with a lie. Messages to vulnerable people quickly help traffickers identify those who are willing to engage in further conversations with strangers on the internet. Children who post about trouble with their parents can be easy prey.

How Do Human Traffickers Use Technology?

Technology and human trafficking are paired with each innovation. Illegal operators adopt new technology quickly from chat rooms and smart phones to video surveillance and money transfer and bitcoins. Human trafficking technology can be used to identify potential victims and facilitate connections between customers. Early adopters adopt human trafficking technology before lawmakers and enforcers understand how they fit together.

Criminals use human trafficking online technology for a variety of purposes including:

  • Maintaining anonymity while conducting criminal activities
  • Move cryptocurrency and other anonymous financial transactions
  • Recruit victims
  • Access information that facilitates in identifying and abducting victims
  • Sell victims for sex
  • To sell recordings or live streams of victims in sex acts
  • Monitor victims with video surveillance
  • Coerce victims with threats of exposing recordings
  • Advertise the availability of their victims for sexual exploitation

Not all technology used for human trafficking is done online. Tracking devices have been placed on automobiles that allow traffickers to follow unsuspecting victims to provide opportunities to kidnap them.

Technology in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

How to Protect Yourself From Human Traffickers

Being vigilant and aware, trusting your instincts, and being prepared to defend yourself are all important ways you can protect yourself. Manage your internet settings to restrict your posts from being seen by anyone other than your friends and set your location settings to private. Be mindful of how much information you give away. Data aggregation technology allows someone to find the location and other private details that feel safe to post on their own, but in combination with other posts, make you easy to find. For example, the date of your prom and homecoming game can be used to identify your school.

Trust your instincts. Lonely people and those with desperate financial needs can make easy targets. Don’t trust solutions that come too easily without independently verifying the information.

Some traffickers will learn about your troubles online and then meet you in person, seemingly by chance, dangling a solution that is a trap. Overseas jobs, farm labor and modeling jobs, and other “opportunities” are used to entice victims. Big profits can be earned from trafficking victims. Perpetrators can be male or female. They are motivated by money, not sex.

Use caution. Be prepared to defend yourself and call out for help if you feel threatened. While it is not always necessary or desirable to travel or shop with friends, not being alone is safer than being alone. Also let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to be home, even if you live alone.

Keep your faculties about you. Using mind-altering drugs and alcohol increases the risk of abduction.

If you plan to meet someone from the internet, to buy or sell something or to date, meet in a public place and send their photo to someone who is expecting it. Having their photograph can help law enforcement if the worst occurs.

Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-373-7888 for assistance.

Are you being accused of a sex crime? Contact a Los Angeles sex trafficking Lawyer to learn your options. Begin your search to find an experienced sex crime lawyer in Los Angeles by calling (877) 977-7750.